Undead Reckoning

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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

Talbot set his bag down on the dresser and laid the rifle on a little desk near the window. He eyed the bed and contemplated getting a little shut-eye before dinner. However, he instead sat down at the desk and carefully unwrapped the rifle. He started to fully examine the rifle, something he had initially been reluctant to do. He turned it over and over and studied all of the markings. The feel of it was still so familiar after all of these years. There was the stamp of the Callan Army on the walnut stock, slightly worn from use. He had personally filled in his own engraved initials with paste and then revarnished over it before selling the rifle.

Somebody had obviously cared greatly for the rifle as it was in great condition. Of course, Blackrance may have had the thing refurbished and cleaned before having it mailed. Everything was shiny. The stock had been oiled and wiped down and the iron and steel had been similarly oiled. It looked exactly the same as when Talbot had been issued the weapon after boot camp. Touching it definitely conjured up a lot of bad memories but there was also security there. He remembered falling asleep in the camps of the battlefields with the rifle firmly in his hand. A soldier could not be caught without their weapon, especially when the fighting got more bitter and bloody. The rules started flying out the window.

Talbot laid the rifle back on the cloth and wrapped it up again. He moved over to the bed and removed his boots before laying down. He stared at the ceiling for a while and did not remember falling asleep. He had intended only to rest his eyes but he was out like a light. He did not dream exactly but instead had a vague feeling of anxiety. It was the feeling he always had on the morning that a battle was to begin. He had no intentions of joining any battles but the dream on the train had already unsettled him. He should not have touched the rifle. It awakened something in him that was dying slowly on its own.

He woke up at the sounding of a bell from below which he guessed was the signal for the evening meal. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes before slipping on and tying his boots. He rose from the bed and entered the hallway. He turned slowly and locked the door and then looked at the door opposite his. He waited to see if Mr. Seneca would open the door and head down to dinner but the door did not move. He made his way down the narrow steps on his own but had to stop and make way for an enormous Dragonborn who grunted and kept moving. As soon as he passed, Clarity's door opened and she caught sight of the large gentleman and she shared a look with Talbot. This was evidently the guy who had been arguing with the staff earlier.

Talbot spoke softly after a moment. "Black scales?" he said more as a statement, barely a question. "Watch yourself. The chromatics have bad reputations. He's huge too."

Clarity pointed at the horns sprouting from her head with a flat look. "Careful how quickly you judge by appearances, Mr. Hawkwing," she said. "You'll embarrass yourself."

Talbot did feel embarrassed. "Thank you for setting me straight," he said. "I apologize. I should know better."

"I'll forgive you this once," Clarity said. "If you keep an open mind, we won't have this problem again. I also told you I can take care of myself."

"You did," Talbot said. "I guess my machismo is showing."

"Your gallantry and chivalry are appreciated but not needed at the moment," Clarity said.

The conversation was suddenly interrupted when another door in the hallway opened and a slight blonde human woman stepped out. She looked at Talbot and Clarity and smiled a thin-lipped smile. She was wearing a plain and simple dress and a heavy chain around her neck. Something was hanging from the chain but it was tucked into her dress. "Good evening," she said and her Ganarastavan accent was immediately apparent. "Are vee going down to dinner now?"

"That's the general idea," Talbot said. "We were just about to go down if you want to join us."

Clarity cleared her throat. "My name is Clarity Havenwood and this is Talbot Hawkwing," she said. Her breeding definitely included more refined manners.

"My name is Ana Koryana," the woman said. "It is nice to be meeting you."

"It's nice to meet you as well," Clarity said. "That's an interesting necklace."

"Thank you but it is not a necklace exactly," Ana said. She pulled out what was evidently a symbol of The Defender. "It is a holy symbol."

"Weren't all of the gods killed years ago?" Talbot asked.

"I still believe," Ana said. "and my belief is rewarded vith power. The gods are still out there somehow."
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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Clarity thought about that statement as they started down the stairs. "Very interesting," she said. "I suppose if the stories are true and the gods were destroyed, all of that energy would have to go somewhere. There is no way to destroy energy like that and the Riders were at least semi-mortal and they could not absorb that much energy. What vessels are the gods in now? Maybe they have no vessels. Maybe that means they are more powerful than ever."

Ana shrugged with a small, unbothered smile. "I have not given it much thought," she said. "It is enough zat I have faith, no? I am more focused on doing good in the vorld."

"Now that's an attitude I can get behind," Talbot said. "You've just got to leave the world better than you found it." He could guess that Clarity's intellectual curiosity was not satiated but then again how did she expect to test any theories when it came to deities from the beyond?

"Vat do you do for ze vorld, Talbot?" Ana asked with a curious smile. "How do you make it better?"

"I'm a carpenter," Talbot said. "I share a shop with two partners back home."

"A noble profession," Ana said. "Vhat brings a carpenter all ze vay out here for zis endeavor?"

All three of them stopped outside of the dining room as Talbot turned toward Ana. He was not about to get into it with a complete stranger even if Ana was a woman of the cloth. His past was painful and he still did not know why he had discussed it with Clarity. Something about her inquisitive eyes, maybe.

"I wasn't always a carpenter," Talbot said. "I'll leave it at that for now. Lord Blackrance wanted me to come out of retirement but we have a difference of opinion. I came to tell him no face to face."

"I tried to change his mind," Clarity said. "It didn't take." She shrugged and shot a mischievous smile at Talbot. The look irked him for a heartbeat.

Ana's smile was more beatific and kind. "I respect that you are a man who has left violence behind," she said. "A man of peace. However, peace is not alvays the answer."

"It's my answer," Talbot said. "I've already lost enough to battle. I support the mission, of course, but I don't have the heart to join in."

"Perhaps your heart may yet change," Ana said with a smile. "Only you can decide your path."

"Maybe," Talbot said. "Anything is possible but I just don't see it. You'll just have to take care of this without me."

The door to the dining room burst open and Titus was standing there looking frustrated and a bit desperate. "Could you come in to eat?" he asked. "He's getting impatient and I really don't want to piss him off anymore."

"Who?" Talbot asked. As soon as he asked he knew it was a stupid question. It had to be the Dragonborn from earlier.

"You'll see," Titus said. "Quickly, please." He held open the door and the three all looked at each other and then entered the dining room. Seated at the head of the table was the giant Dragonborn who practically glared at them.

"Finally!" he yelled. "They said they would not serve the food until you came. Sit down."

"Such manners!" Clarity said. "We were having a lively discussion. We apologize if we kept you and Mr. Mapleburrow waiting." The four of them moved to seats around the table. Talbot made sure to sit closest to the angry dragon man. He was sure Clarity would disagree but he did not want either lady to be harmed if it came to a fight. He had a feeling it would not and that the Dragonborn was more bark than bite.

As they all sat down at the table, the Dragonborn slammed his fist on the table. "Food now!" Titus flinched a bit at the sound and Ana got very still. Neither Clarity nor Talbot reacted and Talbot fought the urge to roll his eyes. No need to rile the guy up any further. There was definitely movement in the kitchen.

"What do we call you, sir?" Clarity asked. "We haven't been formally introduced yet." Titus was not about to make any introductions in that moment. He was rattled.

"The name's Rahj," the Dragonborn said gruffly and when Clarity arched an eyebrow at him he looked remorseful for a moment. "Rahj Blackscale."
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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Pepper and a young man that Talbot did not recognize started carrying a veritable feast into the room on platters. It all smelled very good and it was far finer food than Talbot had expected this far out in the frontier. There were several whole roasted chickens, steamed carrots, toasted mushrooms, brisket, and mashed potatoes. Rahj immediately reached out and palmed one of the chickens, whistled, and then threw the chicken out of an open window. Something very large and hairy jumped up in the window and snagged the chicken. There was a deep growling sound from beneath the window. Everybody stared at Rahj who shrugged.

"They won't let me keep Sandor inside but he still must be fed," the large Dragonborn said. He then set about devouring whatever food he could reach.

"Um," Clarity started, seeming to be at a loss for words for once. "Is Sandor your dog?"

Rahj grinned and began to speak with food in his mouth. "Ha!," he cried out, letting out a single barking laugh. "In the desert, we have pets far superior to your dogs. It's an insult to call Sandor a dog."

Clarity seemed to think about that, almost as if she was deciding which part of the statement she was most interested in. "I'm sorry," she said. "Did you say 'out in the desert'? Do you mean to tell us that you have lived out there? Is this a recent occurrence or have you lived out there when it was still dangerous?"

Rahj frowned and looked at Clarity as if he was deciding whether or not she was being ignorant or insulting. Talbot immediately realized Clarity's mistake and he looked around and saw that Clarity was the only one not in the know. She had an innocent look on her face which must have convinced Rahj that she was merely ignorant.

"Your government has always hated my kind," Rahj said, his voice a low growl that almost harmonized with the growl from Sandor outside. "They made it real hard to find land of our own. Our scales are resistant to magic and we went out into the desert to settle where other mortals were too scared to go."

"That is impressive, Mr. Blackscale," Clarity said. "I apologize for my ignorance, I had not known that the government had dealt you such a poor hand. It is shameful. I am sure that everybody in this room does not share in such prejudice."

Rahj grunted. "Thanks," he said. "We made it work out there but the government and all of the business types want back out there now that it's safer. I'm sure they'll take our land too."

"I hope they don't," Talbot said. "I never did cotton to how that worked out. You all should get first dibs, of course."

"Blackrance is going to go to the government about it," Rahj said. "He understands what it's like since he's drow. It's the only reason I agreed to guide all of you out there."

"You've talked in person to our illustrious patron?" Clarity asked. "I have only communicated with him via correspondence myself since I was out of country."

"He sent me a letter too," Talbot said. "I haven't met him."

"He came out into the desert," Rahj said. "Faced me like a man alongside that one." He pointed at Titus who nodded.

"I accompany Lord Blackrance on most occasions," Titus said softly. "This is a rare moment when I am not by his side."

"He came to see me at church," Ana said. "He vas very polite and convincing."

"So only half of us have met him," Talbot said. "Wait, that reminds me. What about the other one? The person across the hall from me? What is their deal?"

"Mr. Seneca has a complex situation so he and Lord Blackrance agreed that he would not meet you until Lord Blackrance could be present," Titus said. "Everything is going according to plan."

"You do realize how suspicious that is don't you?" Talbot asked, his eyes narrowing.

"I am very aware," Titus said with a smile. "I can only operate according to Lord Blackrance's wishes unless there is an emergency."

"A lot of rules go out the window in an emergency," Talbot said with a sage nod. "I remember that."

"I'm sure you do," Titus said.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

Supper continued without Talbot getting any more clues as to the agenda of Lord Blackrance. At least, nothing more than had been in the letter. There was a necromancer in the wasteland. A wasteland that the Dragonborn Rahj was familiar with as their guide and presumably their tracker. The Cleric Ana was obviously along for the ride to counter undead threats. Talbot assumed that he and Clarity had been invited as damage dealers to fight back whatever henchthings that the necromancer had. Of course, Talbot still had no intention of going anywhere closer to the wasteland. He was going to take his rifle back home and hang it over his mantle. Forever.

After a nip or two of Drown brandy, sent by the good Lord Blackrance himself, they all retired to bed. All of them except for Rahj who stayed up drinking heavily of the cheapest ale available. He took a keg out behind the inn so he could be with his pet, Sandor. They all left the dragonborn alone. Talbot paused outside of his door and looked at the door currently belonging to the mysterious Mr. Seneca. How did he fit into all of this? Talbot had a sudden urge to go over and knock on that door. Just beyond, a question could be answered. But trying to answer that question could raise a lot of hell. It was best to just wait until morning.

Thanks to the good meal and the brandy, Talbot was just about out when his head hit the pillow. He came to when the sun was up but it felt like just a moment later. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and got himself together. A change of clothes and he was ready to descend the stares once again. Luckily, the smell of good food once again wafted up from the kitchens. It made Talbot take the steps a little quicker. It would not hurt him to have one more good meal on Lord Blackrance's coin before he went back home. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw three people in the sitting room. The halfling Titus Talbot already recognized but there was also a masked figure and a drow sitting there as well. The masked figure got up and walked past Talbot without a word.

"You must be Sergeant Hawkwing," the drow said with a sly smile. "As you might have gathered, my name is Lord Blackrance. Have a seat, won't you?" He gestured toward the fourth chair.

"I no longer go by my rank, Lord Blackrance" Talbot said bluntly but not unkindly. "You may call me Talbot if you wish."

"Fair enough, Talbot," Lord Blackrance said. "If you wish to dispense with formalities, then you may call me Callum."

"That's a little forward when dealing with the aristocracy," Talbot said. "but sure."

"I had a feeling that you would want to talk," Blackrance said. "I'm glad you've come down before breakfast."

"I have a feeling you've already divined what I want to talk about," Talbot said. "I might as well get to it. I have no intention of going on your expedition. There are plenty of hired guns even around here that you could take with you."

"But I singled you out, Talbot," Blackrance said. "I assembled my team carefully as I have assembled all of my teams. Your record speaks volumes and you are uniquely suited for the mission ahead."

"How am I uniquely suited for it?" Talbot asked, more than a little curious at that statement.

"I'm honestly not sure yet," Blackrance said with a shrug.

Talbot was a bit shocked. "You don't know?" he asked. "I thought you had all of this figured out?"

"I have an ace up my sleeve when planning a mission," Blackrance said. "The secret to my success." He gestured to a young girl sitting peacefully in the corner.

Talbot blinked in shock. It was the young woman from his dream on the train. What the hell was going on?
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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“Who are you?!” Talbot asked of the mystery woman. It came out louder than he had meant to but as he watched her, he imagined how she had been in the dream. Dying in bloody agony.

“You forget your manners, Sergeant Hawkwing,” Blackrance said. “Perhaps you should sit down. You look a bit pale. We can get you some tea if you’d like.”

“Don’t try and change the subject, Blackrance,” Talbot said. “Who is she? Who are you, miss?” He kept seeing blood pouring from the gaping wound in her chest. He remembered holding her in his arms. He remembered her voice.

The woman looked both curious and amused but spoke calmly. “Please sit down, Mr. Hawkwing,” she said. “I will try my best to explain what may have happened.”

Talbot found a chair and sat down. His mind was racing as he imagined so many questions and possibilities.”

“Tea, Sergeant?” Lord Blackrance asked. “Perhaps something stronger considering your sudden fright?”

Talbot nodded. “Yes, Lord Blackrance, maybe we ought to go right on to coffee,” he said. “I suddenly feel very tired.”

Lord Blackrance gestured and Titus hurried off, presumably to fetch Talbot’s coffee. Lord Blackrance sat back in his chair as if he was watching a stage play.

“Well, Mr. Hawkwing, do we know each other?” The woman asked, her eyes studying him. Talbot suddenly got the feeling that she studied people a lot with those eyes.

“I would answer with a no,” Talbot said. “I don’t even know your name but I have seen your face before. I have also heard your voice”

“And where did you see my face and hear my voice?” The woman asked. She did not look entirely surprised. She was definitely a cool customer.

“I saw you in a dream,” Talbot said slowly, watching the woman’s face. “On the train ride here when I dozed off. When I saw you in the dream you -”

The woman held up a hand and cut Talbot off before he could continue. “Please do not tell me what happened in the dream,” she said. “I’d rather not know. I already know too much. My name is Kare Coldlight and I am a seer. What you experienced was most likely an aftereffect of my abilities. When my abilities have touched on somebody, they can be entangled with my soul and I suppose that can come up in dreams. There is still a lot that I don’t know about my particular abilities. I apologize, Mr. Hawkwing.”

“It’s just Talbot,” Talbot said. “But thank you for not calling me Sergeant. I suppose that does explain things and I don’t need an apology, I guess. Why did you foresee me?”

“It’s not just you,” Kara said, glancing at Lord Blackrance. “It’s the others too. It’s everybody.”

There were footsteps on the stairs and Talbot saw that the dinner companions from the night before were coming downstairs. All of them were foreseen by Kara Coldlight, Talbot surmised. Things were starting to make a bit more sense but there were still a lot of questions.

“Yes, well, let me explain,” Blackrance said. “All of you, gather close. I want to thank you all for making the journey here. As you may have guessed, my name is Lord Callum Blackrance and I am the benefactor who has summoned you here. Some of you I have met before but others I know only through your reputations. You were all chosen through the gifts of Kara Coldlight, a seer in my employ.” He gestured toward Kara. “This is her.” Kara bowed her head as a greeting.
“When I have a wrong that needs righting, I call on Kara to seek out the best candidates with her second sight. She has chosen all of you.”