Eddie's closing, and more info on bus crash

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Eddie's closing, and more info on bus crash

Post by Space Ghost »

The Sun has everything behind a paywall, so I'm looking for more info on the bus crash - the NPR story literally doesn't tell where it was, aside from "Baltimore, central district" - and also the multiply-threatened closing of Eddie's in Mount Vernon, which was something of a cause célèbre among the local Fox Noise people. Leave further comments below.
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Re: Eddie's closing, and more info on bus crash

Post by WolfofWords »

I never went to Eddies of Mount Vernon. I grew up with Eddies of Roland Park and later enjoyed Eddies of Charles Street. They have some of the best prepared foods and possibly some of the best crabcakes around.

I guess I have almost two weeks to try and visit the Mt. Vernon store as it will go out of business officially at the end of this month.

I found an article not behind a paywall:

https://www.goskagit.com/news/nation/at ... d8240.html

Nothing I have seen details the exact location of the crash or even an intersection it was near. I do know that they are reporting that multiple eyewitnesses claim that a Lexus tried to run a red light and that the bus crashed into the building in an attempt to avoid hitting the Lexus. No fatalities have been reported but at least 16 injuries.