Reese's Creamy and Reese's Crunchy

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Reese's Creamy and Reese's Crunchy

Post by scooter »

So apparently there are some new Reese's Cups out right now, as the trend for various corporate sweets here in the U.S. seems to be to release some variation off the already ubiquitous yummy. This can be proven by going to the grocery store and just counting how many different types of Oreos are now available. I rest my case.

These two new types of Reese's (not counting the ones that are extrordinarily thin or fat, or those with potato chips, and no, I'm not making that last one up) are subtitled Creamy and Crunchy, and I picked up the former at the Wawa.

My knock against Reese's, which isn't a show-stopper by any means, is that they are dry and crumbly, which isn't something I associate with peanut butter. In fact, one of my favorite sweets, to the point that I will eat them in preference to Reese's, are the Safeway brand mini peanut butter cups. For some reason, they only sell them in pre-wrapped bite-sized mini-cups, but they are very buttery and creamy inside and they just melt in your mouth. They're wonderful, and if you shop at a Safeway (the one near us closed years ago), go get yourself these things.

I was hoping that Reese's Creamy would approximate these, and it does. It isn't quite the same, and not quite to the same level of absolute amazingness that Safeway hawks, but it is much closer to what actual peanut butter tastes like. I mean, seriously, it isn't that hard to make peanut butter candies in real life - why should it be hard to take that same candy and cover it in chocolate? This is a very close thing to that standard. :coolthumb:

I didn't get Crunchy, but I will guess that some of the culinary experts who are on this forum will offer their own appraisals. I'm going to make a guess that we're dealing with what is essentially a round Clark bar.
This has been another bit of brain shrapnel from...
SCOOTER :cthulhu:
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Re: Reese's Creamy and Reese's Crunchy

Post by ZandraJoi »

While I don't eat Peanut Butter hardly, I do know what you are talking about when they are dry & crumbly. Some don't even taste like peanut butter!