Undead Reckoning

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Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

Lord Callum Blackrance
Blackrance Manor
Silvershore, Eastern District

4th Orombre 2168

Sgt. Talbot Hawkwing
Cragrock Apartments
Flatdale, Northern District

Dear Sgt. Hawkwing:

You do not know me but I am not naive enough that you may recognize my name. In my life, I have been fortunate enough to have found the opportunities to bring me great wealth. As I have aged, I have tried to use the advantage of my wealth more charitably. Gone are the days of excess and mindless luxury and now I am most focused on justice and peace. To that end, I have funded mercenaries and adventurers on missions for the greater good. You may have heard of campaigns I funded to capture Korag the Mad Mage, to sink the river pirate Killi Sharkmaw, and to sack the stronghold at Riverden. However, I have not written to you simply to shower praise upon myself.

In fact, you may be wondering at this point why this letter was sent to you. You may also be wondering about the large sum of gold included with this letter. I will endeavor to explain in text what I wish I could explain face to face like true men of honor. I have come to you because of your success in the Elf Wars. I gather that you especially acquitted yourself well in the Battle at Snake Bend. I gather that you have since left the service of the military and you may be free to take on one of my missions.

I recognize that you have laid down your arms and may be reluctant to return to the fray. However, I would not ask if the situation was not dire. In short, I propose a quest to the magic wastes to the south in order to hunt a necromancer. As you know, necromancers cannot be tolerated to exist in this world. I feel that a marksman of your caliber would be necessary to the success of the mission. In truth, I have been assured that this is the case. I implore you to take up arms and join my expedition.

If you accept this offer, I promise a large sum to be paid to you upon completion of the quest. If you decline this offer, please keep the money that I have sent you as payment for your time. If you accept, please take a train to Fallshield and await further instructions. Your presence or absence in Fallshield will be taken as your response. Be well, Seargeant.


Lord Callum Blackrance

P.S. I have accompanied this message with a gift that may be useful in this mission.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

Talbot put down the letter and leaned back in his chair. He took a couple of deep breaths and then stood up from his desk and started pacing. Astonishment quickly turned to anger. Who was this Lord Blackrance? Talbot did not recognize his name but there were so many lords and ladies in the Eastern District and especially in Silvershore. He was more focused on the nerve of this Lord raking up Talbot's past. The only thing keeping Talbot from flying into a greater rage was the question of whether Blackrance was being purposefully incendiary or just ignorant.

Either way, he certainly should not have referred to Talbot Hawkwing, of all people, by his military title. Talbot had decidedly soured on the military at the end of his involvement in the Great Elf Wars. In fact, the Battle of Snake Bend was his last major conflict for a reason. Talbot's only brother had died in a volley of fireball spells. Talbot himself had been burned intensely in the attack and had only been able to cradle his brother before support could put out the fires.

After he was free again, he personally executed eleven wizards and sorcerors. He shot them dead like rabid dogs and never felt a moment of remorse. Well, not until later. He had wondered who he had killed. He had wondered if the cause he had fought for was nobler than the cause of those he killed. He and his brother had been recruited to kill Dark Elves because they were evil. Then at the end of the war, a historic truce was reached and leaders from both sides were found to be corrupt and many were imprisoned or allowed to fade into obscurity. The whole thing had turned Talbot's stomach and he knew he was not alone. A lot of the old racial enmity had evaporated decades after the truce.

Talbot had put down his rifle forever. In fact, he had sold the damned thing a long time ago to help fund his new life as a partner in a carpentry business. He liked his quiet life. He had no wish to return to a life of adventure. However, he had to admit that curiosity was starting to rear its ugly head. He returned to his desk and picked up the leather pouch and opened it. There were certificates worth three hundred gold. Far too much money to just consider an offer. He looked at the wrapped package and suddenly knew what the special gift must be but shook his head.

He finally sat back down and started to unwrap the package. He cut the string and opened the long wooden box and then started to pull aside the cloth. It was a rifle. He dropped it back into the box. It was not just any rifle, it was his rifle. The one from the service that he had sold ages ago. How was this possible? Who was this Blackrance? How connected was he? Perhaps Talbot would travel to Fallshield if only to tell this Blackrance to stuff it. He did not care about money. It was not his job to take on a necromancer in the wastes.

He would have to make preparations. He would notify his partners that he was taking a short vacation. He would be back in a week. He would talk to this Blackrance in loud tones and then return home. It would hardly take any time and he would be able to satisfy his curiosity and then get back to it.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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Talbot arrived at the shop the next morning and was surprised to see a light already on inside even though the sun had yet to rise. He had thought he might have at least a few moments to himself to collect himself, but it could not be helped. He would have to tear the bandage off eventually so it might as well be right away. He pushed the door open and took off his jacket and hung it up. He turned and there was Cara Moonweaver standing there with a slight smile on her face. She always looked so fragile with her thin, willowy limbs but Talbot knew that she was sturdy and strong. She was the senior partner, having started the carpentry shop while Talbot was still in the military and before Silas had arrived from Corria. She was holding two cups of tea.

"Join me for a morning cup?" Cara asked. "It's still a little chilly out there especially before the sun comes up." Cara really did not complain about much but she did consistently complain when it was cold. She was very thin so it made sense.

"Thank you, Cara," Talbot said, taking one of the cups. "It is a relief on an early cold morning."

"It is early for you," Cara said, narrowing her eyes. "Is something the matter? Could you not sleep?" Cara had always been extremely perceptive. There were times when Talbot wondered if she might have a slight psychic gift. Her keen insight was why Talbot often came to her for counsel.

Talbot sighed. "To tell the truth, I did not sleep well," Talbot said. "I was wrestling with something last night."

"Bad dreams?" Cara asked. "You haven't had those since your early days here when the war was still fresh behind your eyes." Over many years, Talbot had probably told Cara the most about his life. His emotions had been more raw when they met and her friendship and the routine and art of carpentry had eased his pain.

"Funny you should mention the war," Talbot said. He rarely mentioned the W-word. "I received a letter yesterday afternoon that made my thoughts turn dark. My trouble continued into the night."

"You'll never truly be at peace until you leave the past behind," Cara said. "time only heals wounds if you allow them to close." It was something she had said many times.

"I know you're not wrong and I thought I was past it," Talbot said. "but some things tend to reopen those wounds. Like this letter."

"Tell me about this letter," Cara said and sat in a chair gracefully.

"Have you ever heard of a Lord Blackrance?" Talbot asked. "Silvershore in the Eastern District."

"I have not," Cara said. "his influence has not spread up here. My family would have heard about them but I could put in some inquiries if you want."

"Thank you but I don't think that will be necessary," Talbot said. "I'll explain that in a minute. He sent me a letter trying to recruit me to take up arms again against a necromancer out in the wastes."

"You're not actually considering going out there are you?" Cara asked. "That sounds like a really bloody affair to get involved with."

"I don't plan on fighting anything or anyone anymore," Talbot said. "but I do want to give this Blackrance a piece of my mind. I would like to do it in person. It only involves going to Fallshield so it would be a relatively short trip."

"You feel that it's necessary to turn this man down in person?" Cara asked.

"I do," Talbot said. "If I simply turn away, I feel like I am running from my past again. If I go and talk to him, I will confront everything. It is not something I look forward to but, through our discussions, I think I need to do it."

"A confrontation instead of merely sending a letter back, though," Cara started, sounding like she was trying to be careful. "It is a big step. Do you think that it might be an inordinate response?"

"I don't think so," Talbot said. "You know me. I consider myself to be a man of honor. This Blackrance drug up a lot of dark things from my past but he also paid me several compliments. It is only right that I refuse him face to face. I could give him a few tips as well."

Cara took a beat and then spoke calmly and even. "What would your brother think?" she asked. The question hung in the air. If it had been anybody other than Cara who asked, Talbot would have been angry. However, it was an astute question. Cara was incredibly wise.

"Honestly, I don't know," Talbot answered. "Barrold was always seeking adventure. He would have jumped on a chance to hunt down a necromancer."

"You would have jumped on it as well decades ago," Cara said. "You have an instinct to protect people and a necromancer threatens society itself."

"Those days are gone," Talbot said. "Besides, I made a promise to Barrold's grave that I would give that life up and I would live for the both of us."

"He never asked you for that promise," Cara said. It was true, Barrold would have never tried to control Talbot's life. He would have supported any decision that Talbot made.

"I still intend to keep it," Talbot said. "I'm done fighting. I'll go and close the door and then I'll come back. It should only take a week at the most by train."

"Do you need my blessing?" Cara asked, a small smile creeping onto her face. "You have it if you want it."

"I don't need it but it is appreciated," Talbot said with a smile. "All I need is for you and Silas to watch the shop. I promise to pick up the slack when I return."

"I do not think he will be as understanding," Cara said. "but you will have to explain things to Silas."

The shop door opened during that last moment and Silas walked in.

"Explain what to me?" he asked.

Cara and Talbot looked at each other for a beat.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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Talbot walked onto the train platform carrying very little baggage. He had always preferred to pack light even when traveling long distances. Only the essentials were necessary, he was not very sentimental after all. Of course, he had brought the rifle but kept it wrapped in cloth and twine to keep it from startling anybody. He wore it slung across his back and it was definitely a familiar feeling that he was trying and failing to ignore. He was also trying to ignore Silas Brickhome who was presently buzzing in his ear. The two of them, along with Cara, had been business partners for years but Talbot had come to realize that Silas was a bit of a worrier.

Silas would call it caution and sometimes it was a good quality. In fact, there were times where Talbot thought that anxiety might be a natural defense mechanism for gnomes. They had been saved by quite a few calamities because Silas had a bad feeling about a situation. Talbot trusted Silas but knew that sometimes his anxiety could go overboard. He thought this was one of those times. Talbot had explained to Silas that he was only going on a short trip to satisfy his curiosity. He had explained that he wanted nothing more than to return to the shop after no more than a week and work on their projects and assist customers. Cara had accepted it with a grunt and then she had gone back to her coffee and a troublesome bit of fine furniture. Silas had become apoplectic.

"Tal, would you talk to me?" Silas practically yelled over the crowd. "I don't think you should take this trip. It sounds dangerous."

"It's not dangerous, Silas," Talbot said. "I'm just going for a little chat. I'm not going to be fighting any necromancers."

"If it's just a chat then why can't you send a letter or a telegram?" Silas asked. "Settle the matter and come to the shop tomorrow."

"Don't you think I thought of that?" Talbot asked, turning around so Silas had to stop short. "It would be easy to do that but some things need to be done face to face." Talbot was several feet taller than the other man and for a moment he imposed that size difference on Silas before backing off and shaking his head.

"Don't you think he might have deliberately poked at your biggest sore spot in order to manipulate you?" Silas asked. "Don't fall for his ruse." Silas adjusted his glasses and stared up at Talbot, obviously trying to get through to him.

"Believe it or not," Talbot said. "I thought of that too. If that's the case, then I will lay a hand on Lord Blackrance with extreme prejudice. I will make my point felt."

"All the more reason to stay home," Silas said in a bit of a grumble. "I don't want you to be arrested."

"I know how to stay out of the jails," Talbot said. "I know how to stop myself before I go too far."

"You're traveling so close to the magical wastes, Talbot," Silas said. "It's a risk going even that far."

"I'll be miles and miles away from the border," Talbot said. "Relax, Silas, everything will be fine."

"I promise you nothing is fine," Silas said. "but your mind is made up."

"Then wish me a safe journey, old friend," Talbot said with as kind a smile as he could accomplish. "I'll be back before you know it."

"I wish you weren't going at all but I do wish you well, of course," Silas said as he tried to put on a brave face. "Please come back to us. Not for the shop's sake but for your sake. You deserve peace."

"I have it," Talbot said gently.

"Not if the mention of your past can still bring stormclouds to your eyes," Silas said. "Deal with what you have to but come back to us."

Talbot rested his hand on Silas' shoulder. "I will be back," he said. "I promise."

Silas shook his head. "Get on the train, Tal," he said. "It's going to leave soon."
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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by scooter »

Well, we're four installments in and the forums haven't crashed. I think we're doing good.
This has been another bit of brain shrapnel from...
SCOOTER :cthulhu:
Professional Dilettante (reasonable rates) :thumb:

QotM: "I have a theory that the truth is never told during the nine-to-five hours." - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

He was five years old and Talbot was running from the neighborhood bullies. Once again they chased him down the familiar alley blocks from where his family lived. He had no idea what he had done to piss them off this time but they had probably deserved it. At least he was drawing their attention away from Clara and Felix. If he took a beating for their sake, that was perfectly alright with him. He would have preferred no beating but would take any of the abuse that he earned with a smile. His legs were getting tired and his breath burned in his chest like a bonfire. He would not be able to last much longer.

Letitia grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. He felt his nose crack. She turned him around and slapped him so hard that he actually fell forward and barely missed hitting his nose again. He felt a boot slam into his ribs and he involuntarily rolled over. He had forgotten to ball up again and he would pay for it. He was way more vulnerable on his back. He looked up into the sneering faces of Letitia, Jass, and Crendor. The two half-orcs were wrapped around the beautiful Letitia's finger. Talbot never knew why she chose to bully Talbot and his friends but he always thought it was because her family was one of those rare Humans First group of folks.

"You keep making mistakes, Talbot," Letitia said. "You're going to pay once again. You're going to hurt."

Why did she always sound like a villain from storybooks?

Jass put his boot on Talbot's neck and held it there. He was not pushing down but it was a reminder that Talbot's life was in their hands at the moment. He tried not to panic or squirm. That would just make it worse. Letitia kneeled down in the dirt next to him and glared. She dragged one of her nails down his cheek and he could feel blood well up. He would have to explain that mark to his father. Why don't you just fight back, Talbot? She actually licked the blood off of her finger with a wicked smile. Maybe she had a crush on me? That was when Crendor kicked him in the nuts and everything went black.

Talbot was in bed and he and his brother were being told the tale of Caleb, the clever thief adventurer who hid in a treasure chest so that a dragon would scoop it up to add to its hoard. He picked the lock of the chest from the inside and then was able to lead the town militia to the dragon's lair. Of course, this was after secreting away as many expensive baubles as he could carry. He wondered how Caleb had managed to pick a lock from the other side. It must have taken all of his skill and wit and luck.

Talbot's father had always made those adventurers sound so grand. It was probably why he had joined the military. It was probably why his brother had joined too.

When he came to he was inside of a box. They must have shoved him in an old trunk after he passed out from the low blow. The trunk felt so small and it was so dark but the smallest cracks in the lid let in a little light. It was suddenly hard to breathe. He tried not to panic and then realized he was not panicking. He could be like Caleb in the old story. He could be brave. He reached for the lock and only then realized that it was inaccessible from the inside. How had Caleb done it? He moved onto his back and started to kick at the lid of the box. He braced himself and pushed hard upward with his feet and the lid popped open. Smoke started to fill the box and Caleb crawled out as fast as possible, coughing as he went.

He was in the trenches during the early days of the war. Smoke and fire were everywhere as people ran around using blankets or spellcraft to put out the fires. The occasional magic missile hit somebody as they poked their head up. It was the usual controlled chaos. Talbot held his rifle tightly and threw himself against one of the dirt walls to keep out of the line of fire. He looked over and saw an unarmed woman standing in the middle of the chaos. Was she a cleric? A spellcaster? She looked lost. He ran to her and tried to pull her to safety but she shook from his grasp. As he watched, her porcelain white skin turned jet black. Was she a spy?

"You couldn't have saved me," the woman said directly to Talbot.

"What?" Talbot asked, looking around to see if anybody else saw her. He aimed his rifle. He didn't want to use it.

"You could still save them," she said, gesturing all around her. "Save them."

Suddenly, her chest erupted as if she was stabbed from behind by multiple swords and she cried out. Talbot reached for her but everything went white.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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Talbot woke with a start and realized he had been leaning against the glass of the train window. He hoped he had not made much noise while he was asleep and having his dreams. It was not the strangest dream he had ever had nor was it the most frightening. He tried to grasp at the fragments of the dream as it faded away. The only thing that remained burned in his memory was the face of that young dark elf woman and even that was slipping through his fingers. He shook himself, letting the cobwebs drift away. He took out a flask of mead and took a long sip. The scenery was still moving outside like it was supposed to be. This was when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A woman asked.

Talbot turned and looked up and was somewhat taken aback by what he saw. She was not very tall but she was wearing an extravagant light red dress with a corset. What threw him for a loop was her red skin. He looked up past her smiling face and saw the black horns sprouting through her blonde hair. His drifted back ot her face which was covered in a stylized makeup design using a soft peach color around her eyes that almost made that area look human. She was absolutely gorgeous. She was also a tiefling.

Tieflings were rare. Extremely rare. Tieflings were those born from bloodlines mixed with either demonic or devilish heritage. There were a lot of legends on how that had originally happened and none of the stories were pleasant or appropriate for polite conversation. Whatever the origin, that bloodline was viewed by many as wicked. People thought that tieflings had been born evil and that danger needed to be curbed by any means necessary. That is why the cullings had started and many tieflings fell to the churches centuries ago. It was surprising to encounter one in the wild now. Yet here she was. Talbot had never believed any of the old legends and knew that people decided their own fates. He was not afraid.

However, Talbot did look up and down the train car and saw a lot of empty seats.

"Are you sure, miss?" Talbot asked. "There are plenty of seats."

She smiled as politely as possible, showing just a hint of pointy teeth. "I hate to bother you but a woman like me should not travel alone and yet here I am," she said. "You don't need to protect me, I feel your mere presence will dissuade people from messing with me."

"I guess I can manage that," Talbot said, standing up. "Why don't you take the window seat?"

"Are you sure?" the woman asked. "I wouldn't be putting you out?" She smiled brightly, the idea obviously appealing to her.

"I'm not that put out," Talbot said. "Be my guest."

He moved out to the aisle and put his hands out to help her with her bag. She hesitated but handed it over but did and Talbot carefully put it up in the luggage rack next to his own small bag. He glanced back to catch a nervous look on her face. He shot her a questioning look in return.

"Just careful," the woman said. "There are spell components in there."

Talbot quickly withdrew his fingers from the bag. "Well, it'll be fine up there," he said. "I don't imagine it will be a very bumpy ride."

"I hope not," the woman said as she flounced into her seat by the window. Talbot sat next to her, looking up and down the aisle to see if there were any objections. Not that he really cared, he just wanted to know if anybody would get in his face about being nice to a tiefling. He was not in the mood for an idiotic confrontation.

"My name is Talbot by the way," he said, offering his hand.

"Charmed, I'm sure," the woman said, taking Talbot's hand with her own lace-gloved hand and shaking it only once. "My name is Clarity Havenwood." She said it as if Talbot should have recognized the family which probably meant that she was rich, famous, or both. There were a lot of wealthy tiefling families. Talbot must have hidden his confusion poorly because she added. "of the Silkspindle Havenwoods?"

Talbot shook his head. "Sorry," he said. "I'm not familiar. You're a wizard, though?"

Clarity shook off her disappointment and returned to smiling. "Yes," she said. "I studied for years at Erolia University in Calliona. I'm happy to be back in country and headed west."

"Not many people enjoy heading toward the magical wastelands," Talbot said. "but I'm sure there are plenty of interesting phenomena out there."

"Oh I'm sure," Clarity said. "I did my thesis on the gravity well of Karkown. I'm getting off before the wastelands, though."

"Where?" Talbot asked, leaning in just a bit.

"Very forward, Mister...," Clarity said, indicating a need for a last name.

"Hawkwing, and sorry," Talbot said. "I'm just curious."

"I'm getting off in Fallshield," Clarity said with a smile and a shrug.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

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Talbot tried to keep his face passive but knew he was failing at it. "Fallshield?" he asked. "I'm getting off there as well. What brings you to Fallshield? It is not really a bustling academic town."

"I received a job offer that I hope will be able to fund my research," Clarity said with a pleased smile. "I am very pleased to take a few risks in order to pave the way for the advancement of magic."

"Your family can't fund your work?" Talbot asked. "I don't mean to pry but I gather that your family is fairly wealthy." He had a sick feeling in his stomach about where this young lady was headed and he felt he had to make an effort to head her off at the pass.

"Again, a little forward," Clarity said with an indignant little sound punctuating her objection. "If you must know, my family is not as well off as we have been in the past but that is not the issue. I want to be self-reliant so I can make my own decisions and get out of the shadow of my family." She seemed to let out more than she would have since she was so miffed.

"I don't mean to offend, Miss," Talbot said holding his hands up a bit in a placating gesture. "I just suspect that we were summoned for the same thing by the same person and I feel that it may be too dangerous for you."

"So it is too dangerous for me but not for you?" Clarity said. "I can take care of myself, Mr. Hawkwing. Besides, Lord Blackrance has a very good track record for his expeditions."

"I didn't mean to comment on your readiness in the face of danger," Talbot said. "I just wanted to offer a word of warning. For my part, I am planning to turn Blackrance down. My fighting days are behind me but he paid enough for me to tell him no to his face."

"That's actually rather forthright of you, Mr. Hawkwing," Clarity said, starting to calm down. "I am sure we will be lacking for whatever specialty you might have brought to the table."

"I was a soldier," Talbot said. "I suppose I'm a bit of a crack shot."

"Oh!" Clarity let out in a bit of squeak. "My guess is that you were supposed to do the deed." She said that last bit with great solemnity and a knowing glance.

"Do the deed?" Talbot asked. "I am not sure I catch your meaning." He was sure that he actually did understand but wanted her to say it. It was part of why he wanted to turn down the job. He could not look at her as he waited for her answer and instead looked past her and watched the scenery go by through the window. The vegetation was gradually dying out as they headed toward the desert.

"You would be the executioner," Clarity said. "Since you can pull the trigger. I mean, I have never killed anybody." There was deathly silence after she said that as if everybody in the train car was holding their breath.

"And I have," Talbot said with a nod. "but I don't want to anymore. I laid down my rifle. In fact, I sold it in a pinch. Blackrance found it and sent it back to me." Talbot gestured up toward the luggage rack where his old rifle was wrapped in cloth. The word 'executioner' had brought up memories of that fateful battle where he had shot and killed eleven magic users on his own. He could still see their faces when he closed his eyes.

"Perhaps fate is trying to tell you something, Mr. Hawkwing," Clarity said. "Perhaps you must go on this adventure because you cannot escape it."

"I don't believe in fate, Ms. Havenwood," Talbot said. "I do believe that it was money that brought my rifle back and not fate and I'll leave adventure to those who are actually seeking it."

"Suit yourself," Clarity said. "We'll see if Lord Blackrance can persuade you." She smirked as if she had possibly won something.

"I doubt it," Talbot said. "I have a life to get back to."

"Your life is what you make of it, Mr. Hawkwing," Clarity said. "If you want to return to your quiet life that's your choice but a greater calling is out there."

"We shall see," Talbot said.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

The train chugged on toward its destination and Clarity had pulled out a book and a notebook and expertly balanced both in her lap. She would read from the leather-bound book and then write something in the notebook every so often. Since she had retreated into academia, it left Talbot to his own devices again. He stared past her out the window again and watched the scenery go by. Vegetation was becoming more and more sparse as they headed out toward the desert. Nobody quite knew why the desert had become so dangerous. The desert wasteland had been home to strange mobile rifts of chaotic magic, rumored to be cracks in reality itself. This happened long before Talbot had been born.

Lately, magic experts were reporting that the chaotic energy in the desert was slowly abating. The area was slowly becoming safer or at least as safe as a normal desert could be. Many had started to explore the area and some settlements had sprung up to support explorers and mining operations. The area was largely lawless as the Queen's government had not yet asserted full control over the region. They had been left very unprepared for the expansion since they previously knew that people feared entering the dangerous desert. Talbot knew that this necromancer that Blackrance insisted on pursuing was out there in that desert with the rest of the criminals. It was the only logical place to start amassing power with a forbidden yet showy skill like that.

The train pulled into Fallshield Station which was not much of a station after all. Still, Talbot and Clarity had arrived at their destination. Talbot stood up and grabbed his pack and his rifle and slung them over his shoulder. He reached back to offer a hand to Clarity who clasped his hand and used it to stand up and follow Talbot into the aisle. Talbot handed her bag carefully.

"Well, Mr. Hawkwing we have arrived," Clarity said. "you've been such a good travel companion so far, would you like to accompany me as we look for Lord Blackrance? It would be silly to separate to seek out the same man. No?"

"You make perfect sense to me, Ms. Havenwood," Talbot said. "Ladies first, I'll watch your back. These frontier towns can be rough."

"Well, go ahead and be intimidating, Mr. Hawkwing," Clarity said. "They would only bother me because they know not how dangerous I can be." She smiled in a way that made Talbot believe that she was a formidable magic practitioner and had the guts to harm if necessary. Maybe she was suited for adventure out in the desert.

Clarity led the way off of the train and Talbot followed close behind. Once they were out he walked beside her, blinking in the bright sunlight to get his bearings. He was grateful that he had brought along his wide-brimmed hat. Clarity's hat had an even wider brim and a large ornate bow as well. She certainly stood out in all of the dust. He had never been to Fallshield before. It had been a military base dedicated to protecting the border of the desert but a little town had grown after the border had become more relaxed. There was still danger out there but the military was letting people take that risk onto themselves.

As the few people who had gotten off of the train cleared away, Talbot spotted a halfling lingering who spotted them and headed their way.

"Are you waiting for us, young man?" Clarity asked. "Clarity Havenwood, at your service. This is Talbot Hawkwing." Talbot tipped his hat to the man.

"Titus Mapleburrow, at your service," the man said. "I'm Lord Blackrance's valet."

"Charmed, I'm sure," Clarity said. "It's nice to know how thoughtful Lord Blackrance is."

"Can we speak to him?" Talbot asked. "Where is he?"

"Lord Blackrance has not arrived himself and has been delayed slightly," Titus said. "However, you are both expected. I'm to convey you to the local hotel. Rooms are already waiting for you. I have a stipend for your food and drink as well."

"Lord Blackrance thinks of everything," Clarity said. "Thank you, Titus. Lead the way."

"Of course, miss," Titus said and turned on his heel to walk down the platform toward town.
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Re: Undead Reckoning

Post by WolfofWords »

Talbot and Clarity followed Titus through the dusty yet bustling town of Fallshield. Apparently, a mining company was in the midst of shipping some new workers through the town out to the desert. A new mine was opening up in the southern area and therefore a lot of equipment and personnel needed to get out there before the families followed. Thankfully, the hotel that Lord Blackrance had selected seemed to be away from all of that. It was suddenly a lot quieter as they approached the hotel.

"Lord Blackrance had me acquire all of the rooms at this particular hotel to avoid any conflict or disruption with the miners," Titus said. "Otherwise, rooms would have been difficult to come by."

"Lucky for Lord Blackrance," Talbot said. "It seems like he thought of everything." He tried to make that sound sarcastic but was not sure he had pulled it off.

"Lord Blackrance has a way of being several steps ahead," Titus said. "You'll see."

"I'm sure I will," Talbot said. "I aim to have several words with Lord Blackrance when he arrives. Until then, I suppose I'll look at whatever room he has provided. I'll take my leave with your permission, Miss Havenwood."

Before Clarity could answer, there was a loud thumping that shook the room slightly and some dust drifted down from the ceiling. It was obviously somebody or something big moving around in the room above the lobby. Shouting could be heard from above between two people and then some weird scratching sounds. Talbot could not make out any words but there was definitely a conflict happening.

"Sorry, ladies and gentlemen," a young woman almost shouted. "A little disagreement with a guest about the rules against keeping pets in the hotel. We'll have it sorted soon."

"I could go help them handle it, miss" Talbot offered. "The guest sounds pretty big."

"Nothing to worry about," the woman said. "Welcome to the Lonely Bell. My name is Agatha but you can call me Pepper. Seeing as how you're here with Mr. Mapleburrow, I assume that you are guests of Lord Blackrance."

"You are correct, Miss Pepper," Clarity said. "Clarity Havenwood. A pleasure to meet you, of course. Have my boxes arrived?" Talbot's eyebrow rose a bit on the mention of boxes. Had she had things shipped ahead to this small town? It looked like she had packed light but maybe Talbot had misread the situation. He certainly thought it was impolite to ask her about it now.

"They certainly have, Miss Havenwood," Pepper said. "I have taken the liberty of placing them in your room for your inspection. There are quite a few."

"Well, one has to be prepared for anything," Clarity said. "May I have my key, Pepper? I must freshen up before meeting Lord Blackrance."

"Of course, Miss Havenwood," Pepper said and pulled out an iron key with a ribbon tied to it and handed it over. "First on the left. Mr. Mapleburrow knows where it is." She gestured vaguely toward the large staircase which she obviously had no intention of climbing while the argument was happening upstairs. Smart girl.

"I suppose you must have a key for me," Talbot said. "Talbot Hawkwing is my name. Nice to meet you, Pepper." He tried his best smile. Since leaving the military, he had had to work at being personable again and he knew that he could come off as formal and stern. He had also spent a train ride talking to Clarity Havenwood whose formal language was practically infectious.

"Ah yes," Pepper rifled through her collection of keys. "Sergeant Hawkwing. You have the other room at the top, across from Mr. Seneca." Talbot got the feeling that Pepper was fighting the urge to salute. He would have brought up once again that he was no longer in the military or a sergeant but he decided to let it slide. That was really a conversation better had with Lord Blackrance.

"Mr. Seneca?" Talbot asked instead. "Who is that?"

"One of our party," Titus said, cutting off Pepper which was instantly a bit of a red flag in Talbot's eyes. "You'll meet him soon enough but don't worry about it for now. He asked to not be disturbed and I am inclined to respect that."

"I have never wanted to disturb anybody," Talbot said. "So I am inclined to agree with you. I wouldn't mind shutting my eyes for a bit to clear my head."

"Follow me, then," Titus said. "Lord Blackrance should arrive by dawn. However, dinner is not far off. Listen for the bell."

"We will," Clarity said, ending her polite silence. "Neither of us would dream of being so rude to be late for dinner. Isn't that right, Mr. Hawkwing?"

"I wouldn't dream of it, Miss Havenwood," Talbot said. "Lead the way Mr. Mapleburrow."

Titus nodded and started to lead the way up the stairs. As they reached the second floor, Clarity muttered some words and made a gesture at the noise of the argument coming from behind the door at the end of the hall and there was silence in the hallway. Clarity smiled proudly and then unlocked her room and slipped inside before shutting the door firmly.